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For all questions see our FAQ Page
- Open Tuesday to Sunday (Closed on Mondays)
- Pick up time: 8AM to 11:30AM
- To get here by pick up time please take the sealink ferry no later than 10:30am from Townsville
- Drop off (Electric Moped / Scooter UBCO 2×2) 5pm or 8pm Single Day Hire Only
- Drop off (Pedal assist) 5pm multi day options
- All bookings are done online, please use our website to book
- Questions about hire options please see our FAQ page
- International Drivers Licence’s accepted (please have this with you)
- You can move or cancel your booking 24 hours before, see your email to do this yourself
- If the booking system is not showing enough bikes for your group, then it means the bikes are already booked up for the day. Please try another date
- If booking for a group PLEASE ensure that all rides are capable and have experience. We often find that the person booking may not have taken this into account, riding a moped 50cc requires some experience, coordination and ability not everyone is comfortable choosing this option. Thanks
Google Map
- Wet Season close down period is 23 Dec – 14th March. We will be taking a break with safety in mind. It is hot and very humid during this time and it can rain very heavily, the West Point Road is often flooded and can’t be accessed. Keep this in mind when looking for an alternative. Hot tip – Go out and about early and late in the day, best to be in the shade from around 10am to 4pm.